Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 45.

It's day 45 somehow. It being a wednesday, I usually have a night class called Social and Ethnic Diversity.. which is essentially about racism. I started to think about this class as I sit in it for 3 hours once a week (I would hope I would think about it). The verse 16 in John 3 came to mind one night,

                  "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

    A little background behind this verse; John 3:16 is one of the most widely quoted verses from the Bible and has been called the most famous Bible verse. It has also been called the "Gospel in a nutshell".  Did you know the phrase "John 3:16" is very short and can be written inconspicuously in out-of-the-way locations. In the U.S., the In-N-Out Burger chain prints it on the inside of the bottom rim of their paper cups, clothing chain Forever 21 and Heritage print it on the bottom of their shopping bags, and Tornado Fuel Saver prints it on the box.

While all of these facts are pretty cool, they're not the reason I thought of this verse. My wednesday night class challenges me to think about the various ways racism occurs, the reasons why and the people it happens to. While our modern world may seem important I went to the one place I knew was most important in my life; the Scriptures. In John 3:16 it is said that God loved the world so He gave His son to die for our sins. While reading that verse I didn't come across any specifications like God gave His son to only die for the sins of African Americans or for the Irish or for males or just females. The verse says WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not perish.
The atonement is not just for one group of people, it is for all those who come to Him seeking and desiring to love Him and therefore committing to follow his commandments.
The scriptures are what matter most in my life and so does God. God isn't racist. God sent His ONLY son, to die for EVERY PERSON'S sins. Let's not forget that.

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