Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 64-69.

Hey Everybody,
Just an update for today. In the recent week I've been spending time home with family and friends while being on winter break from college. I've had so much fun playing sports, eating ice cream (so much for my 40 day abstinent project), hanging out with family, going out with friends, and Harry Potter marathons. To be completely honest, I've almost completely forgot about getting back into the Word. There are times when I would look at my Scriptures and feel that it would be too much work to actually read a chapter or two. Blogging has seemed like a huge inconvenience and almost a hassle because I "never had anything spiritual to write about". I'm close to my first temple trip and I feel as unworthy as ever. There's no use in beating myself up because when I do that I only hurt myself and let the devil take over. I've decided to beat up satan. Starting tomorrow I am going to read at least one verse a day. I am going to study my preach my gospel and I'm going to pray more than I think. I want each and every one of you to hold me accountable! 
       I know I'm not alone in these feelings of laziness. There are times that we can all feel dragged down by needing to read the scriptures and pray but I want you to remember that these feelings are not your own. These are the feelings we have felt because of Satan. I encourage you to do what I'm about to. Find one verse from any of the scriptures and memorize it. On the days that you feel dragged down, quote that verse in your mind or out loud. I've heard that a verse a day keeps satan away. We don't have to read 5,000 pages a day to keep him away, we just need to read one verse and pray about it. Continue to ask the Spirit into your life and always keep your head up. There may be darkness now but darkness can never prevail over the light.

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