I guess you could say I took today as my own P-day! After all the merriment and excitment of Christmas, I decided I needed a huge nap! and a huge nap I had! What a blessing!
Today I think I will talk to you about something in the Book of Mormon that is very much a huge part of my life. The Liahona!
What's the Liahona? the Liahona is a brass ball that operated as a type of compass with two spindles. One of the spindles was said to point the direction Lehi and his party should travel after their escape from Jerusalem. The Book of Mormon states that the Liahona also contained periodic written instructions from God. The Liahona works “according to the faith and diligence” with which they heeded its direction, and ceased functioning at times
when the members of the party demonstrated a loss of faith in God's
commandments, notably when Nephi's brothers rebelled against Lehi during
their ocean crossing.
The Liahona is a symbol to me to pursue God's word and do His works which He commands me! The Liahona only worked when the user was diligent in his faith and followed the commandments of God. In 1 Nephi, we hear about the journey of Lehi and his family to the Americas and how Laman and Lemuel had bound Nephi and when they tried to use the Liahona to guide the ships themselves, it didn't work. Laman and Lemuel have in the past doubted God and they tease and beat up Nephi for having faith but Nephi never faulters in his faith but he stands firm in the gospel. As Laman and Lemuel are trying to guide the ship, the Liahona stops working. They didn't have faith like Nephi. They are lost in the sea for the space of 4 days until a big storm comes along threatening to take all of their lives. Lehi and his ENTIRE family was on this ship which included his sons wives and children as well, so this would be a considerable loss if the storm swallowed the ship. Quickly, Laman and Lemuel loose the bands which bind Nephi and without even thinking, Nephi grabs the Liahona immediately. It's cool to think about because he doesn't scold or beat up his brothers for being stupid but he grabs the Liahona and prays! and the ship is guided back on track. Cool, huh?
In my life, the Liahona guides me. Through the scriptures, diligent prayer and following the commandments, Heavenly Father becomes my compass and guides me where I need to go, where I can get the most loving help and He even writes things on the Liahona specific to my needs. The second I doubt God and turn away from His word and rely on just myself, I find myself in a dark storm, threatening to swallow me up. It is important that we keep our eyes set on God, that we read our scriptures, follow His commandments, and THANK him daily. He is a merciful, loving God who deserves our thanks and praise.
I love my Heavenly Father. I am thankful for His hand in my life, for His words and for His commandments. I KNOW this church is TRUE and I know my Heavenly Father loves me and all His Children!
I say all these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
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