Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 5.

For some reason today I was in such a baking mood that I made over 4 dozen cookies and I have still yet to make others. It's amazing the mood Christmas puts us in. We're giving, willing to do things for others, most of us think of others before we think of ourselves, to make cookies for others and we all try to be kinder to each other. Christ really is the driving force of bringing us together this time of the year but why should  it only happen this time of the year? Christ should drive us together every time of the year! Christ, in my life, is a huge part of my decisions, my progress, my whole being. Is what I'm doing going to glorify God or His church? I find myself asking all the time. Will people look at me as the example of the church? Are people waiting for me to mess up? Instead of putting on a Christian-like act, why not be the Christian? In my decision making to become a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I've come to ask the questions am I worthy? Am I doing the best I can to prove that I am worthy? What makes us worthy? Over and over in my scriptures I have read the phrase, "Keep my Commandments". The commandments are a very large part of what makes us worthy. Do we follow the commandments? We're all human though, we are bound to mess up and sin but do we honestly and sincerely repent when we've found that we have sinned? This is all part of worthiness. I'm sure there is much more to being worthy that I am forgetting or not mentioning. Ask yourselves these questions and if you yourself has a question Mormon.org is the place to find the answers.

Today I had the chance to meet up with some friends and a couple missionaries from my church. We had a wonderful time hanging out in a launromat.. Yes, a laundromat. No matter where we are however, we always manage to have a good time! Joking around, the missionaries gave me my first "task" as a future missionary. They handed me a Book of Mormon with their card in it and tasked me to give it to someone I didn't know. I chickened out tonight but it led me to think about how it would be out in the mission field and I decided to make this a real task. I have one week to give out my Book of Mormon to someone I don't know. The missionaries gave me a few pointers to getting started and have been giving me great advice in general! As far as my current homework assignment goes, I have reached Mosiah and am currently halfway through it. I hope to finish it and get part way through Alma tomorrow. I have lots of reading to do before new years to get on my way to finishing the Book of Mormon! I hope and pray I can finish it!

I hope you were able to keep up with my ever busy mind in this blog today.

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