There is opposition in all things. I know this to be true. When I joined the church, when I began reading through the Book of Mormon, when I started meeting on a regular basis with the missionaries, when I began teaching my friends, and when I made this decision to go on a mission... There is opposition in all things. Opposition is tough to break through. Whether opposition takes on the forms of rejection by friends, inability to make sense of what you're struggling through, doubt, being set apart by your friends, having them talk behind your back, or have those you love unable to give you the loving support you need, all these things are conducted by the devil. He wants to get under our skin and ruin what hope and strength and faith we have in the Lord. What do we do? It's hard to grasp sometimes but standing firm in our faith and praying to God, sometimes, is all we can do! I may be struggling now, battling in my head, and feeling hopeless but it's like I said about the Liahona, the second we take our eyes off of God and succomb to the devil's antics is when we lose our faith thus losing our direction. I'm going to make this blog short and personal to what I'm feeling. Though I am struggling right now, I have not taken my eyes off of God. I know that He is listening to my cries and that He truly does love me. He is wrapping His arms around me in comfort and I know I will make it through the devils obstacles. The devil has NOTHING on my faith in Heavenly Father. He can try to penitrate my love and faith in God but in the end I will step all over his face before he can touch a single hair on my body. I will stand firm.
"Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them" Alma 1:25
I say all these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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