Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 28.

Ever heard that song "It's Friday" by Rebecca Black? If you haven't I'll save you the headache, don't listen to it! If you have, you're probably singing it in your head and it'll probably be stuck in your head forever, I apologize. And if you're curious, go google it but I did warn you. So what does this song have to do with anything? Well, it is Friday afterall. (Well actually it's Tuesday because I decided to neglect my blog.) But what I'm really trying to get at is Scripture. Scripture is like that catchy song that gets stuck in your head just at the mention of it's title, not to mention when some starts singing it and a word into their singing you've got that song stuck in your head for hours. Scripture can be exactly like this. Even at the hint of a situation or when someone starts to quote Scripture, engrave that scripture in your head so it may not just stay there for hours but for eternity. I'd have to say one of my favorite verses is in 1 Nephi  4:6, " And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do." This verse is a constant reminder to me always. As I started to read the Book of Mormon this verse became engraved in my mind and not because it's short and sweet but because it has much meaning to me. I know that in my life I may not always understand what I am to do when God asks me to but I know that no matter what the Spirit will guide me if I listen. This verse works for me in many situations and is always a reminder to me my purpose on this earth. I ask you to read your scriptures. Find a verse or some verses that you can lock in your mind. It is important for us to know the scriptures in order to know God.

I challenge you in your studies this week, this month, or whenever to pray about your scriptures and to find a verse that fits you and know it! ALSO, Stay away from that Rebecca Black song.... I'm pretty sure they use it as a form of torture... Just saying.

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