Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 41.

Ah yes, another Friday. Isn't it wonderful the feeling that Friday brings? This Friday however has been a strange one. Busy; full of movement, emotions, work, etc. Yesterday I recieved the news from my roommate that she was moving to a room next door to mine. She's a nursing major and spring of Sophomore year proves to be a tough semester for Nursing students. I understood. It's tough sometimes to lose a roommate or a friend. I'm not losing her as my friend but as a roommate. Looking on the brightside of things I've found that moving a room around and redecorating can be very relaxing (unless you're like me and every move is like playing the game "unblock me") From this situation we can gather that in negative times we need to find a positive side. We need not to reflect on what is bothering us but find what we can pull out as a positive consequence. I've found that as I go on in college that a lot of the dreams that I had drawn for myself have, at times, been erased and re-drawn. Nothing has stayed the same and in that I know Heavenly Father's hands have been in my life, redirecting my thoughts and redrawing my path. It is because of Heavenly Father that I smile through the storms and laugh during the dark times. I know that in the dark times is when Heavenly Father is with me most and I rejoice because He is with me. Sometimes we have to be brought low for Heavenly Father to raise us higher.

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