Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 40.

As a Social Work major I tend to have a lot of time on my hands even though I'm a full time  student, who has a tutor once a week, has a night class, and serves as the Student Social Work Association Chaplain-- still there is time on my hands. What do I do with this time? The correct answer should be that I read my scriptures and study dilligently but unfortunately and sadly enough, it is not. Instead I watch old episodes of Kyle XY which used to be on ABCfamily once upon a time. It's easy for us to lose our focus. It's easy for us to ignore our scriptures. It's easy for us to come up with excuses but what's my excuse? I don't have one. Part of the reason I started this blog was so that I could track my growth over the year that I had leading to my mission. I don't have an excuse for not reading my scriptures. All too often I forget that it's a huge privilege to have my scriptures and to be able to read them. When this occurs we need to push aside our own feelings and pray to Heavenly Father. Invite the Spirit back into your life and sit down and read. I encourage you to, when you're discouraged, to sit and pray. Dwell with Heavenly Father for a few moments and while you're speaking with Him, invite His Spirit into your life.

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